Do you know if your business idea has the right ingredients to succeed?

flatecoverOver the weekend I glanced through the classified section of a Saturday newspaper and was surprised at the high prices offered for second-hand businesses:

– Franchise restaurant R4 million
– Takeaway restaurant R985,000
– Cellular sales/repairs R1,3 million
– Coffee shop R450,000
– Ladies boutique R600,000
– Beauty salon – R250,000

In this economy you’ll have to look hard at why these businesses are up for sale. The reply you get has to be watertight otherwise the rest of the seller’s story would be dodgy and downright dangerous to your personal assets.

What if a prospective buyer had a tool to evaluate the business for sale? A tool that would tell if the second-hand business is a viable proposition. Continue reading “Do you know if your business idea has the right ingredients to succeed?”