How entrepreneurs can benefit from innovation in these times

1005577_506641316068140_11700165_nGoogle X has launched its experimental pilot Loons project in Christchurch and Canterbury, New Zealand, a project that has mounted broadband transmitters on high-altitude balloons. The idea behind the project is to give people in remote areas access to the Internet.

This is a project from Google’s secretive research lab whose mandate is to come up with new technologies. It has been experimenting with a Google driver-less car, Google Glass, similar to a normal pair of glasses but with an HD display over the right eye, and an airborne turbine prototype works for electricity-generating propellers at high altitudes. Continue reading “How entrepreneurs can benefit from innovation in these times”

Discover the four things you must know before you create a new product or service

“Enthusiasm” (Photo credit: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³)

Small business owners wanting to expand their product or service range may come up with a new business idea, rush into it without much thought because they are swept on a wave of enthusiasm and then discover that there is little or no demand.

I’ve made this mistake and I’ve seen first-hand as others have done the same. It’s almost as if we think that our enthusiasm will make up for everything. Our reasoning and gut feeling are shoved aside in the white-hot act of creation and product development. We may be blinded by the “darn it, just do it” mantras spouted by celebrity entrepreneurs. Continue reading “Discover the four things you must know before you create a new product or service”