What kind of entrepreneur are you?

“Give a man a fire and he’s warm for the day. But set fire to him and he’s warm for the rest of his life.” Long – Terry Pratchett

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

A couple who ran out of options in the formal job market started a hand and body lotion small business to bring in income for themselves. Slowly, surely they began to make sales at morning markets and spread the word about their new hand and body lotion. Some time now down the track they are doing well with sales still at morning markets but now including retail outlets and online. This business is serving them well and it suits their stage in life. Continue reading “What kind of entrepreneur are you?”

Red monkey says financial advisers give you one side of the story – the side that their partners want to hear

Copyright Chesney Bradshaw 2016. I am the sole own of the Red Monkey image. Any form of copying of this image is prohibited by law.

Dear Red Monkey: I heard a financial guru say that you need about R5,000,000 invested to earn an income of something like R16,000 a month income. Is this giving the full side of the story? Please help!

Red Monkey says: Here’s the other side of the story. I would rather be swinging on the roof tops of trees then be asking questions like this. Haven’t you got anything better to think about? I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but do yourself a favour and just look at where information like that is coming from. Continue reading “Red monkey says financial advisers give you one side of the story – the side that their partners want to hear”

If these “clever” retirement jobs are just fantasy, can you realistically find something that in your heart of hearts is what you always wanted to do?

Rayne Bradshaw, Windhoek, Namibia, 2016
Rayne Bradshaw, Windhoek, Namibia, 2016

Marketers who have got hold of your email address send you information about clever “retirement jobs”. But when you get to see these lists of jobs you wonder how realistic they are in the real world. How can these so-called “retirement” jobs be applicable to your individual circumstances? Do they really get your heart beating faster?

Take this list of jobs that is supposed to be some of the top retirement jobs: Continue reading “If these “clever” retirement jobs are just fantasy, can you realistically find something that in your heart of hearts is what you always wanted to do?”

How do you manage your income with everything going up?

Income producing assetsEverything is going up. Taxes have shot up. Petrol may have gone down for some time but it’s on the rise. Electricity keeps going up. Wherever you look rates, utility bills and local taxes are increasing. Every one of your expense items whether it be insurance, DSTV, groceries and even restaurants is going up. Compare the price you paid for a meal on a Friday night about 2 to 3 years ago to what it is today. You’ll be lucky if you get a piece of chicken and a salad under R100.

With everything going up it is becoming more and more difficult to get by on your income. Increases are either zero or barely cover inflation. Many would say that you are lucky to even have an income. Even if you do have an income, you are probably working harder and longer hours because of the psychological pressures you are under and as a survivor in the big companies hard work is driven by your survivor mentality. Continue reading “How do you manage your income with everything going up?”