Business owners with new ideas – better check this out

Shower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Ideas you have in the shower are rarely what the market wants.” – Quote from a discussion on entrepreneurs

Should those ideas that pop into your head while in the shower, driving to work in the morning or listening to your favourite music on your iPod be so easily dismissed as the quote implies?

The answer is probably yes if you decide to take your white-hot idea from the shower straight to a cut-throat market even if it’s some unlikely tucked away niche. Continue reading “Business owners with new ideas – better check this out”

Now new business ideas and tips weekly

A woman typing on a laptop Français : Une femm...
Small business people are hungry for new ideas in this market (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve suddenly realised that I haven’t let you know that has gone weekly.

We’ve got so much to talk about and share.

Like new business ideas, tools and tips on how to solve business problems.

The first quarter of this year is nearly over and we’ve covered:  Continue reading “Now new business ideas and tips weekly”