By Guest Blogger Martin Snoek
To be acknowledged as a captain of industry or commerce, or for that matter any sector of society or the business community, is in today’s environment a remarkable achievement.
We read about the achievements of many men and women, meet them in our day-to-day activities in business, on the sports fields, in social life, or hear them speak on radio or television. They have a presence in all walks of life and we take special note of those who not only excel in business and society in general, but also who take their ambassadorial behaviour to the frontlines of benevolence work.
Many captains stand tall in both the public and private sectors, but we also have those who go into hiding once the winds tear through their sails. I am sure you have met or heard of many such characters. Unfortunately, the condition of our society allows for self-appointed or mock-appointed ‘captains’ to abandon ship and retire ‘gracefully’ with healthy bank accounts. Continue reading “Are you one of the true captains of society?”