In Chinese lore the monkey is portrayed initially as foolish, vain and mischievous. Yet the monkey learns valuable lessons along the way, makes changes and eventually gains redemption.
The Red Monkey lives high in the tops of the trees eating berries. High up there on the rooftop of the jungle the Red Monkey puts itself out of danger of the predators that lurk on the ground below.
In this hard economic climate those people who live unprotected on the ground with stagnant or declining incomes are vulnerable. They are preyed on by officials increasing taxes because of failed economic policies. Fuel and electricity costs are spiked at will. Landlords shove up rentals without blinking an eyelid at the hardship of tenants. Sometimes twice in one year. Everything goes up – bank charges, education, transport, car repairs, groceries and even cable TV. Continue reading “The tale of the red monkey”