How has online technology affected your business communication? Are you writing more emails, Whatsapp messages and texting to compensate for your lack of face-to-face contact?
Digital anthropologist Brian Solis noticed how his own ability to focus and be creative has waned as a result of technology. He has developed the “Lifescale method” in response. Check out his book on Amazon.
Before we get into the impact of online technology on your business writing, I’d like to let you know that I have specialised in professional and business writing for 30 years. I majored in English and Communication at university. I started out as a journalist, become a trade business magazine editor and practiced industrial communications in the heavy electrical and automation fields. My book “Guide to Better Business Writing”. More about this later.
Business writing in the workplace does still matter and it should be clear and grammatically correct. In our last article we covered breaking the rules of writing but despite technology business is conservative and is concerned with accuracy and precision. You may be writing in a casual tone as though you are speaking to another person but it still must be clear and comprehensible.
Some businesspeople are concerned about the negative impact technology is having on written communication. For example, digital communication can result in lost meaning, messages that are misunderstood and de-humanise communication so that it becomes merely transactional – one way communication without mutual understanding and intersubjectivity (shared meaning).
The impact of technology on business writing prompted a number of people asking me to put together a book and course on the subject to communicate more effectively in the era of increasing volumes of digital communications, low attention spans and avoid misunderstandings and damaged relationships through ineffective writing.
The Better Business Writing Course will show you how to improve your business writing including things like:
- How to “flush” out dense, unclear and woolly writing that stops your reader from reading your message.
- The real reasons why colleagues and customers are not responding to your emails and other business correspondence.
- What to write when you have to deal with complaints from colleagues and customers.
- How to write in a toxic work environment where office and company politics threaten to end your career.
- The single biggest change that you can make to invigorate your writing for increased business results.
- A sure way to open doors when job hunting.
- Proven effective ways to write effectively on the job.
- Simple – sometimes even counter-intuitive ways to get your message across.
- Exactly what to do if you have to face writing a business report.
- The secret of starting your emails when you want something from someone.
Here are the links to the Better Business writing Skills Course (hosted on two platforms):
Should you wish to obtain a brochure on the course, please email
Chesney Bradshaw
Chesney Bradshaw (BA Communications and English, MBA), Business Writing Trainer, Editorial Consultant and Founder of the Business Writing Academy. Chesney has more than 30 years’ experience in business writing for publications and companies. He has helped managers and employees improve their business writing through training and coaching. His many years of business writing include journalism, magazine writing, corporate communications, trade and technical articles in industries from financial services, food manufacturing to engineering and technology. Chesney brings a broad business perspective to his training, consulting and coaching and shares his insights in a warm, engaging manner.