New online business writing course for today’s fast-paced digital communications and low attention spans

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For immediate release – Johannesburg, South Africa, 22 June 2020

New online business writing course for today’s fast-paced digital communications

A new online business writing course has been introduced by the Business Writing Academy that aims to help business people improve their writing to handle today’s fast-paced digital communications in an era of low attention spans.

The Better Business Writing Course assists business people who struggle with emails, business letters and reports to write clearly and effectively.

The course, comprising six online lessons, takes business people through the fundamentals of business writing, including structuring emails, business letters and reports, getting and holding the reader’s attention, openings and closings, style (and tone) to suit different situations and writing with power.

“Good business writing is a valuable skill,” says Chesney Bradshaw, founder of the Business Writing Academy. “Writing has become more important in business with the growth of digital communications. Business writing is essential for getting things done, persuading colleagues and customers and reaching important agreements. Not being able to write well significantly limits your chances for success in business.”

The course is designed for the business person who is pressed for time. Lessons are short, giving the essentials, and each is accompanied by a brief practical writing exercise that will help business people in the workplace or in their business. Generous support is available for students.

“Once completed, the lessons can be put into practice right away,” says Bradshaw. “Students who have taken the course have reported an immediate and significant improvement in their business writing.

For more information contact Chesney Bradshaw at or 0832697304


Chesney Bradshaw has more than 30 years business experience in commerce and industry including business writing, producing magazines, writing coaching, corporate communications and sustainability management.

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