Global study into writing effectiveness reveals businesspeople need to write more effectively

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Less than half of people writing at work consider their writing to be extremely or very effective.

Key findings from the research include:

– Business communicators lack quality control in their writing process.

– Nearly half of all communicators find it difficult to know what their audience wants to read.

– Communicators are too focused on increasing quantity.

If you want to improve your business writing the Better Business Writing Course gives attendees two days of learning and practice to write with more impact.
I have 30 years’ experience in writing for businesses. I take attendees through plenty of exercises so they can put what they’ve learnt into practice in the workplace.
The next Better Business Writing Course will be held from 3-4 June 2020. Places on the course are limited to 10 for effective individualised learning.
Send an email to for a full course brochure.

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