You’ve got every right to be skeptical.
Here’s why:
Every day ordinary people come up with ideas. They fix things in their homes, they find ways to reduce their expenses and they get ideas to make delicious suppers.
At work they find new ways to do their work more effectively, write e-mails and proposals and figure out clever methods to cut costs.
Now, why would they want techniques and methods to generate ideas?
Everyone has a different take on this. If you feel idea generation techniques don’t work for you – ever – then just ignore what I’m about to say.
For usual everyday things probably all you need is to come up with ideas while you are showering, driving to work or even watching the sun set.
But what about when you absolutely must come up with ideas?
For instance, you may need to turn a hobby into a business, you could want to develop a new product or service or you might want to find ways to attract more customers.
In these challenging circumstances you can’t afford to run with the first idea that pops into your head. You need to make sure as possible that you have a business idea that will have a flying chance. You need to ensure that your product or service is better than your competition. You need to ratchet up your sales or face being left behind or seeing your business go under.
Again, if you’ve read this far, you may still be sceptical. But what are these idea generation techniques and do they work?
That’s fine. You’ve every right to be cautious.
This website ( covers idea generation techniques ranging from freewriting and mind storming to brainstorming (without the common pitfalls) and random word generation. We only deal with those that are proven winners, no fancy exotic methods detailed by dreary academics but from successful business people and entrepreneurs, whether small or large.
Those we’ve worked with have increased their sales (see the case study we published on 29 November 2011 under More ideas, better ideas – innovate now).
We cover whatever works.
But if you still want to ignore them it’s your choice.
However, can you really afford to put this off? Do you really want to wait until your back is against the wall before you start subscribing to
Are you ready to be innovative?
Do you want to make a good investment in your time and save yourself from making a lot of expensive mistakes?
For most of us, the answer is yes.
What is your answer?
Stay inspired
Chesney Bradshaw